Update of Global Village Creartists exhibit in POOL7, 6th, Dec, 2018, Vienna, Austria
Glad to be the part of it :), thank you POOL7 and Victor Valqui Vidal :)
Congratulations for all artists!
Vernissage: Human Rights - Real? Abstrakt!
Human Rights Flag II und Monika Lederbauer
Malerei und Grafik
Am 10.12. 1948 wurde die "Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte" in Paris proklamiert. 30 KünstlerInnen aus 21 Ländern präsentieren ihre künstlerischen Interpretationen der 30 Artikel der Erklärung. Human Rights Flag II - ein "Global Village Project", initiiert und koordiniert von Victor Valqui Vidal, Dänemark www.591.wix.com/victor-vidal
Monika Lederbauer zeigt dazu abstrakte Arbeiten. www.lederbauer.com
Vernissage: 6. Dezember 2018, 19:00 Uhr
Begrüßung: Kurt Neuhold
Eröffnung: Mag. Hans Dieter Schindlauer, Geschäftsführer ZARA (Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit)
Ausstellung: bis 18. Jänner 2019
1010 Wien, Rudolfsplatz 9
T: +43 1 523 8654
Mit dem Erwerb eines Kunstwerks untersützten Sie die gemeinnützige Arbeit des Vereins Grüner Kreis. Der Grüne Kreis unterstützt suchtkranke Menschen auf ihrem Weg zurück in die Gesellschaft.
Update of Global Village Creartists exhibit in Austria,Vienna
The HR flag II and and TRANSFER postcards will be exhibited in
Vienna in December 2018 at
Happy message from Victor Vidal organizer& artist.
HR flag II and TRANSFER postcards on its way to Austria to be exhibited in POOL7
Thank you Victor Vidal and POOL7 Gallerie for organizing HR Flag II events!
Congratulations to all participating artists!
Thanks to all for your positive interest in this project. 22 different nationalities.
The contribution of Krisztina Asztalos:
Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 19. 30x30 cm acrylic on canvas
Transfer, mailart, 105x148 cm, acrylic on paper
Several artists had suggested to create a second flag.
22 different countries are represented.
The following countries are represented: Brazil, Poland, Denmark, Argentina, Canada, Portugal, Germany, Italy, India, Spain, Thailand, Perú, Mexico, Chile, Hungary, Libya, Netherlands, Greece, Croatia,USA, Venezuela, New Zealand, and Austria. Thanks so much for your cooperation.
The articles are allocated as follows:
1. Hubert Wilczewski Poland, 2. Fred van Welie Netherlands, 3.Kirsten Barlik, Denmark 4. Leonor Arnao, Argentina 5. Micheline Robinson, New Zealand 6. Alberto D'Assumpcao, Portugal 7. Heinz-josef Mess, Germany 8. Rossano Di Cicco Morra, Italy 9. Manvendra Kumar, India 10. Pilar Roldan, Spain 11. Somsak Chaituch, Thailand 12 Ana Ana Razuk, Brazil 13. Victor Valqui Vidal, Peru 14. Ruben Domínguez León Mexico 15 Miguel Vega, Chile 16. Jonna Pedersen, Denmark 17. Ignacio Rodriguez, Venezuela 18. Leonor Alvim Brazao, Portugal 19. Krisztina Asztalos, Hungary 20. Adel Fortia, Libya 21. Bjørn Eriksen, Denmark 22. ILham Badreddine Mahfouz, USA 23. Luiz Cavalli, Brazil 24. Bill Thomson, Canada 25. Marianne Delmee, Netherlands 26. Vivian Throes, Greece 27. Ljiljana Lazicic-Putnik, Croatia 28. Elbreg Scheele, Netherlands 29. Monika Lederbauer, Austria 30. Mohammad Bin Lamin, Libya.
Thanks to all for your positive interest in this project. 22 different nationalities.
More infos: