Grateful to be the part of ATOMIC PEACE by 해금강테마박물관- Haegeumgang Theme Museum - SOUTH KOREA, Geoje 2020 - 해금강테마박물관

6월 28일, 제6회 거제 국제아트페스티벌을 위한 대형현수막이 설치되었습니다. 세분화된 평화, Atomic Peace라는 타이틀로 올해에도 9월-10월 약 2달의 기간 동안 세계 각국에서 참가한 작가들의 작품들로 전시가 개최될 예정입니다. 코로나-19가 전 세계를 어렵고 힘든 시간을 겪게 하였습니다. 이러한 시기에서 ‘평화’라는 이상적 주제를 올해에는 ‘우리 주변의 일상 속의 평화’, ‘세분화된 평화’로서 좀 더 대중에게 와 닿을 수 있는 전시가 되고자 기획하였습니다. 이번 국제전시를 통해 코로나-19로 힘든 시간을 겪는 모든 이들에게 평화를 선사하고 문화예술 분야의 큰 도약이 되고자 합니다. 세계 곳곳에 계신 작가분들 그리고 여러분들의 많은 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다.

"Nice to meet you all, My name is An Songyi, I recently joined Haegeumgang Theme Museum as Senior Curator.

Yesterday, 28th June 2020, We, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, has installed big advertising banner for 6th Geoje International Art Festival <Atomic Peace>. Corona 19 virus is giving many people to tough time all around the world. Under the these special circumstances, we will stick to our original plan, we will hold 6th Geoje International Art Festival as we planned on September-October 2020.
By holding 6th Geoje International Art Festival, we hope that the event will be a message of hope to many people suffered from Virus, great opportunity for many artist who want to participate in international Exhibition.

As for the application, We are still accept the artworks.
If you are interested in participation for 6th Geoje International Art Festival at Haegeumgang Theme Museum.
The condition is that submitted artwork will be donated to museum after exhibition. Please be noted this point.

Please send your CV, artwork information(size, material, explanation, picture) to our mail.

Mail address:

Thank you for all."

Pictures by HHG Museum, Cheon Eob YU

HHG Museum Director

ATOMIC PEACE, 2020 artwork is ready to send for 6th Geoje International Art Festival, 2020 - ATOMIC PEACE - Haegeumgang Theme Museum in Geoje, South-Korea was badly damaged in a typhoon - 23/09/2019.

Haegeumgang Theme Museum was succesfully reconstructed and opened on 30 th May, 2020.

100x70 cm, 39,3 x 27,5 in
acrylic on canvas
