🌿🌿VISIT Permanent exhibition at NMWA, Tokyo are currently displayed 15 rings including 💎💎“Christ in Profile” 🌿🌿💎💎 国立西洋美術館の橋本コレクションを紹介。指輪の宝庫!
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A week has passed since December began! Today, let us show you some works perfect for the Season to Sparkle.
💍On the surface of a large ruby of the ring from the sixteenth century (Image 1) was carved the Annunciation scene from the New Testament. In front of Virgin Mary appeared the Archangel Gabriel, announcing she would be the mother of Jesus, the son of God. Carving cameos from monochrome transparent gemstones such as rubies, which are difficult to engrave for their hardness, as seen in this work was the specialty of the Venetian masters.
Another ring stands out for its beautiful transparent green color as it features an emerald cameo with the profile of Christ in relief. The unique qualities of the cameo and the exceptional sculptural technique demonstrated here are emphasized by the diamond border. This work, like the ruby ring, was probably carved in Venice.
🎬In the permanent exhibition (2nd floor, Main Building) are currently displayed 15 rings including this “Christ in Profile” which are featured in the video introducing the museum's ring collection. Please come see these at the museum as well as enjoy the video on our official YouTube channel! ▶https://youtu.be/Gq3yvVaJdho≥≥
💎More info of these rings can be found in comment section
#tokyomuseums #artoftheday #MuseumFromHome #HashimotoCollection #NMWATokyo #橋本コレクション #国立西洋美術館
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Gems of Contemporary Art, Philosophy, Culture
By Krisztina Asztalos
Independent Fine Art Professional
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