I 💘 New York 🌹🌹

Dear Friends!
I painted an entire series about my New York experience, too.
I have an entire series about Paris.

These two cities
are the Apple of my Eyes
and hopefully, stay forever
my inspiration
as  a fine artist
including Japanese culture...
and so many others, I could mention.

As a proud Hungarian, I am also a universal citizen.

I feel at home everywhere where I meet kind people.

I love to discover new places and assimilate with the everyday lives of different countries.

Watching life and gazing at the clouds as a child.

I kept the habit of discovering creatures in the clouds, like elephants, dragons, horses, or whatever laying in the grass.

My urban paintings were created because I felt joy and felt freedom.

I am incapable of painting if I am down. It would not be fair to my audience.

Keeping bad memories is a waste of time.

I move on and let go of trauma in 15-30 minutes for my own mental health and for the benefit of others.

No time for drama.

A quote burnt into my mind in the last decades:

"God counts the tears of women".

 Therefore crying helps out me to move on. I am not proud to cry, a human habit for relief.

Why show people misery if you can show them joy?

Here are some pages from my self-published book.

I loved to edit and create this book for my own joy, like a memory book of my travels and thoughts and paintings, which was published in 2019, 74 pages.

Few words about Urban paintings:

Urban paintings were inspired by recent studies and own experiences about the undiscovered links between the human mind and quantum physics, ungrasped consciousness and illusions, coincidences and synchronicities.
Urban series are depicting the multicolor vibration of metropolises with humor and a bit of sarcasm, personal responses for happenings of urban society, local themes connected to Hungarian, European, American culture, Budapest, Paris, New York. New artworks are about the huge control by mass media, the intense urban-, global-, electrical-, chemical pollution, and also reflecting the new and fashionable trends in urban society.
Some more urban artworks picked by me with no particular order, I painted at night 3.00, in past, as with a small child my days were full of duties, as I am a mother. Unfortunately, I could not finish this series "in time", as I wished, and I still have my sketches in my shelves and on paper,
I will paint in the future, I promised myself. 

These are only 11 paintings I can show to my viewers interested in my art.
I planned 22 paintings.

Since we are all live in a state of cause and effect, my delayed paintings are
not lost, just "sleeping" in sketches, ready to evolve in the future, as memories.

Thank you Madonna for this great MUSIC!!!!!

