Urban series / Paris by dakini.hu - Crystal Child Generation


Dear Friends!

I had a fascination with crystals since my early childhood and I collected

crystals and minerals as a child.

I often found star-shaped crystals digging in the ground or pieces I created stars from them.

This childhood memory followed me in Paris, while I was fascinated with the dancers, stars on the 



Parisian Opera, Moulin Rouge..etc.

I made some series about these "star children",

as I called them,

since their joy and enthusiasm and passion

was as a child of 5 years old on stage, makes people happy and joyous!

These "star child" artists

preserved their joy and creativity as a child even at older ages.

I made the paintings on purpose on aquarelle paper

to preserve the spontaneous and quick movement of dancers,

I could never use the "heavy oil" technique for catching swift moments and motions,

 that would contradict the theme.

The technique shall never contradict the theme

at least for me.

In the spur of the moment,

I used aquarelle

and for "heavy" themes

I used oil or a mix of oil and sand or pigments later " Earth series".

Choosing the right technique for an artist is essential for the right expression,

as "sfumato" was chosen to depict the beauty of an ethereal woman, Mona Lisa

by Leonardo Da Vinci, the biggest genius of Master painters.

Sfumato - Wikipedia

Our society has been created and built-up by artists since the stone ages, check Lascaux Cave,

Lascaux - Wikipedia

our spoons, machines, furniture, bed-sheets, homes, cars, churches

clothes are designed, dreamt, and MADE by ARTISTS!

Anyone try to destroy the ROOT is ignorant

and destroy themselves automatically,

a suicidal


shall be cured or put to court or prison.

If this is not a human force to destroy humans,

humans have to switch OFF this parasite

with a single movement!

OFF, bye, rest in the metal graveyard!

"Not the tail is moving the dog, the  DOG moves its tail!"

Hungarian old proverb

Crystal child generation is the generation I am supposed to deal with and teach as a pedagogue

my son and also rainbow generation is in the making,

understand MATRIX you have no chance to survive!

Life, Love, and Light will survive! all else is just contemporary!

More Info about paintings:

I 💘 Paris 🌹🌹 (krisztinaasztalos.blogspot.com)

The Urban Art Stock by Krisztina Asztalos fine artist by Krisztina Asztalos | Blurb Books

Elements by Krisztina Asztalos | Blurb Books

"Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation."

~ Nikola Tesla

Cave of the Crystals in Naica, Mexico.

Each Crystal is not only a Living Being, but a vast Library of Information that we can access and apply. 

Explore Crystal Connections with Jain 108: https://jain108academy.com/.../crystal-connections.../
