I 💘 Paris V. 9 - 13 September, 2020 - Centre Pompidou and La Bibliothèque Kandinsky


Centre Pompidou


I visited Centre Pompidou that is under renovation.



I visited my favorite Art Center: Center Pompidou.

For my fortune it was so close to my Hotel, that I could walk on foot there, less than 30 minutes from Rue Monge.

I took my paper map with me, that was a real-time connection with people, who helped me out in my direction. There were a girl and an old man who also came with me to show the way not to be lost.

I was more than delighted by the Parisian hostile mentality and kindness towards me.

The funniest story of mine:
I was entering to Library Kandinskij, La Bibliothèque Kandinsky free and guarded by a safety guard.

It is not opened to foreigners.
After all this great experience I went to taste a special ice-scream, that has a rose form made of different tastes at the back of the Notre Dame de Paris.

Search the general library catalogue (23 000 books)



Here are my pictures of 

Centre Pompidou
